Astronaut: NASA entwickelt MMORPG

Drei Entwicklungsstudios sollen für die NASA das MMO „Astronaut: Moon, Mars & Beyond“ entwickeln. Ziel sei es, in einer virtuellen Lernumgebung die Neugier auf unser Universum (und natürlich die Arbeit der NASA) zu wecken.

„We want to create a fun, compelling gaming experience that will give players the chance to learn about science and engineering careers while they play the game,“ said Daniel Laughlin, Ph.D., project manager, NASA Learning Technologies and research scientist with the Goddard Earth Science and Technology Center at the University of Maryland. „NASA is committed to attracting more students to science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields of study and careers. We hope this game will inspire players to consider those careers.“

Quellen: NASA Learning Technologies, NASA Unveils New Online Game

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